Just because you took the first steps to improve your warehouse efficiency with a new Warehouse Management System does not mean your work is done. In order to make the most of your new technology, you will need to conduct ongoing analysis and make minor corrections to your operation as you discover inefficiencies. It simply isn't enough to gather data unless you are going to use it to effect change.
Warehouse Efficiency: The Importance of Analysis and Correction
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Profiling Orders to Improve Warehouse Efficiency
With integrated warehouse management technology, the concept of profiling orders to improve warehouse efficiency is within reach for many companies. Order profiling combines factors like item velocity with item relationships to create a system of rankings and a more effective warehouse stock pattern.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Warehouse Efficiency: What Is a Stock Locator System?
For the purposes of improving warehouse efficiency, a locations scheme or stock locator system is the way in which your employees will know where to go when they are ordered to pick a specific product. Stock locator systems can be either manual or automated with the help of a Warehouse Management System. Automated stock locator systems make for a more fluid system with far fewer errors.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Top Factors Impairing Warehouse Efficiency
There are many factors that contribute to warehouse efficiency. The degree to which each of these factors impacts your bottom line varies from warehouse to warehouse, but they are all important. Here are some of the top factors that could be slowing you down and impeding your progress.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Warehouse Efficiency Meets Warehouse Productivity
In order to truly make a difference in your warehouse efficiency, you first have to understand how efficiency and productivity work together. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they actually represent two different ways of measuring your warehouse output.
In general, it is easiest to start by measuring productivity. Productivity is expressed in terms of the quantity of work being done. Your WMS tracks the number of items being put away per hour and the number of line items picked. This is a purely quantitative look at how much work your employees are getting done in a given time period.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
4 Ways to Improve Automation for Greater Warehouse Efficiency
Warehouse efficiency is positively impacted whenever you are able to automate processes. As your WMS software takes over dispatching, routing and inventory tracking, there will be a reduction in waste and errors. This means that the work being done is quality work, not subject to returns, corrections and troubleshooting later on. The processes you choose to automate will each impact your warehouse in a different way.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Warehouse Efficiency: Common Automation Systems and Solutions
There are dozens of warehouse automation systems on the market these days. Each one touts a unique way of improving warehouse efficiency by reducing labor and improving accuracy. No matter what kind of warehouse you are working in, there are solutions that are just right for your needs.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Warehouse Location Schemes: Setup and Maintenance
Implementing a new warehouse location scheme can be a time consuming and difficult task. First, a scheme must be designed and laid out on paper to fit the warehouse at hand. Next, each location, shelf and aisle must be physically labeled to match the diagram. Finally, maintenance must be done to ensure all labels are clearly legible long-term and any new locations are labeled in compliance with the location scheme to maintain warehouse efficiency.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
Warehouse Efficiency: Maximizing Space Utilization
When it comes to warehouse layout, few things are as important as making good use of the space you have. Maximizing your space utilization ensures that you are getting the most out of your real estate, and that your items can stay clean and organized while they are in house.
Topics: warehouse efficiency
How a Location Scheme can Support Warehouse Efficiency
A location scheme is nothing more than a logical pattern that designates locations by aisle and position in your warehouse. Location schemes support warehouse efficiency by increasing consistency in product placement, as well as providing a standardized map for locating items at a later date. There are many other reasons that locations schemes improve warehouse efficiency as well.
Topics: warehouse efficiency